Introduction, Stéfane Fermigier (Program Chair) [Slides] [Video]
Keynote : Is Python still production ready ? Ludovic Gasc [Slides] [Video]
Keynote : Python in Education, Nicholas Tollervey [Slides] [Video]
Keynote : promises and perils in AI, Andreas Müller [Slides] [Video]
Track: Data 1
Neat Analytics with Pandas Indexes, Alexander Hendorf [Slides] [Video]
Pandas: what’s new and what’s coming, Joris Van den Bossche [Slides] [Video]
Some extensions for Jupyter/Python notebook, Jean-François Bercher Slides] Video]
Simple ETL in python 3.5+ with Bonobo, Romain Dorgueil [Slides] [Video]
Open-Source Analytics Stack on MongoDB, with Schema, Pierre-Alain Jachiet and Aurélien Gervasi [Slides] [Video]
FluidDyn, open-science in fluid dynamics with Python: examples of recent developments, Pierre Augier
Track: Data 2
From Python to smartphones: neural nets @ Saint-Gobain, François Sausset [Slides] [Video]
Using Python to fight Malaria, Pierre Poulain [Slides] [Video]
Collaborative filtering for recommendation systems in Python, Nicolas Hug [Slides] [Video]
Automatic image moderation in classifieds, Jarosław Szymczak [Slides] [Video]
A Beginners Guide to Weather & Climate Data, Margriet Groenendijk [Slides] [Video]
xtensor: the lazy tensor algebra library, Johan Mabille [Slides] [Video]
The rod of Asclepios: Machine learning in Python for cardiac image analysis, Jan Margeta [Slides] [Video]
Machine Learning in computational materials science: an overview, a primer, and a rant, Igor Mosyagin [Slides] [Video]
FreeDiscovery - information retrieval and e-Discovery in Python, Roman Yurchak [Slides] [Video]
Track: Web / Cloud
Using Python for IoT: a return of experience, Alexandre Abadie [Slides] [Video]
Syncing up with Python’s asyncio for (micro) service development, Joir-dan Gumbs [Slides] [Video]
Building a high-performance, scalable ML & NLP platform with Python, Sheer El Showk [Slides] [Video]
Designing and coding for cloud-native applications using Python, Harjinder Mistry [Slides] [Video]
Ways to generate PDF from Python Web applications, Gaël Le Mignot [Slides] [Video]
Serverless architecture in Python with Azure Functions, Benjamin Talmard [Slides] [Video]
Track: Core
Mock it right! A beginner’s guide to world of tests and mocks, Maciej Polańczyk [Slides] [Video]
Incremental Computation in Python, Phillip Schanely [Slides] [Video]
Improving python memory management in a multi-process environment with wendelin.core, Jean-Paul Smets [Slides] [Video]
Writing a C Python extension in 2017, Jean-Baptiste Aviat [Slides] [Video]
Call a C API from Python becomes more enjoyable with CFFI, Jean-Sébastien Bevilacqua [Slides] [Video]
Developer-friendly task queues: what we learned building MRQ, Sylvain Zimmer [Slides] [Video]
Robustifying concurrent.futures, Thomas Moreau [Slides] [Video]
Track: Education
How to make teenage girls love coding using Python and the visual arts-oriented language Processing ? Ch’ticode [Slides] [Video]
Camisole: a secure online sandbox to grade students, Antoine Pietri [Slides] [Video]
Micro: bit workshop
Introduce AI to kids? It’s possible! Jill-Jênn Vie [Slides] [Video]
Circuit Simulation using Python, Fabrice Salvaire [Slides] [Video]
Track: Scikit Learn
Cloud computing made easy in Joblib Alexandre Abadie [Slides]
Machine Learning for Computer Security Experts using Python & scikit-learn Anaël Bonneton [Slides]
Scikit-learn: an incomplete yearly review Gael Varoquaux [Slides]
How to prepare your text data for NLP applications Loryfel Nunez [Slides]
Building and deploying a predictive API using scikit-learn, Flask and Docker. Nawfal Tachfine [Slides]
Machine Learning to moderate ads in real world classified’s business Vaibhav Singh [Slides]
Track: Core / Web
Performant Python Burkhard Kloss [Slides]
wolfcrypt: wrapping secrets in Python Moisés Guimarães de Medeiros [Slides]
Unicode and bytes demystified Boris Feld [Slides]
Program in Python against big data clusters from one VM, thanks to Docker Benjamin Guinebertière [Slides]
Topic Modelling (and a lot more) with NLP framework Gensim Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan [Slides]
Introduction to Data Analysis using Python Francis Wolinski [Slides]
Data analysis with Pandas Joris Van den Bossche
Function-as-a-Service: A Pythonic Perspective on Serverless Computing Josef Spillner [Slides] [Tutorial transcript]
An introduction to Deep Learning with mxnet Julien Simon
AsyncIO and aiohttp workshop Ludovic Gasc [Slides]