For speakers

When is my talk scheduled ?

We haven’t set the exact schedule yet. If you have specific constraints regarding your agenda, please tell us ASAP (pyparis@joinux.org) so we can arrange the schedule accordingly.

Do I have to pay for my own ticket ?

No (as stated at the bottom of the CFP page).

Will you cover my travel costs ?

We don’t know yet. If you need some travel assistance, please contact us (pyparis@joinux.org) with an estimate of your travel costs and we will try to fit it in our (tight) budget.

Is there going to be WiFi during the event ?

We don’t know yet. Even if we have a positive answer, it’s always better, in our experience, to prepare your presentation as if there is a non-null probability that the WiFi will be down during your presentation.

Do I have to give my talk in English ?

Yes, with possibly exception for the Educatin track.

Other questions

Please contact us (pyparis@joinux.org) if you have questions that are not covered above.

For all attendees

Will all the talks be given in English ?

Yes, with possibly exception for the Educatin track.

Will there be food for people with allergies ?

We’ll try to do our best. Given that the buffets are ordered well in advance, please tell us (pyparis@joinux.org) as soon as you’ve registered.

Is there going to be WiFi during the event ?

See above.

What kind of social event will there be ?

Probably, if all goes well (budget-wise + if this is not an issue with the venue). We’ll update this page as soon as we have the information.

Other questions

Please contact us (pyparis@joinux.org) if you have questions that are not covered above.

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